Picture This

Most of the people that read this blog have attended one or more of my classes and I appreciate all of you!  Each and every class is different and has it’s on personality.  As those of you know that have attended a class, I take a “class selfie”.  I usually post them on Twitter and/or Facebook shortly after the class but some of you my want to go back and find your “class picture”.  Here is your chance.  I have posted them all on my Flickr account and linked them to my training website.  I have attached a link for anyone that ones to review them.  They are organized by year so have fun going down memory lane.  Feel free to save, post, tweet, share or print, feel free to tag me!!  Facebook: Carolyn  D Thompson, Twitter: @Carolyndt, Instagram: icarolynt, Flickr: CarolynThompson7

Flickr Collection Link

iCarolyn.com Post with pictures

It’s time for another great year and if your office or association would like to have me back, feel free to call, text, or email me to set something up!  Let’s see if I can beet 2017’s numbers: 120 Dotloop Classes Taught, 2,274 Students, 20 states.  I’m still working on my 50 state goal and looking to train in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming (17 left).  I’m a certified CE instructor in the following states: Oklahoma, Michigan, Georgia, South Dakota, Montana, Kansas, Maryland, Utah, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Washington, Missouri, and Florida.  If you want to attend another class or want to know where I will be, I have posted my calendar online and you can find it here: Carolyn’s Calendar.  I try to keep it updated as much as possible, but sometimes I get behind if I’m really busy, so you can always message me to check in.  Happy Looping!!

Class Selfie Rabbit Ears

I can be reached at CarolynTechPertise@gmail.com, by phone or text at 918-951-9020 or visit my real estate website at http://www.SearchTulsaHouses.com.  For technology training or consulting assistance visit http://www.iCarolyn.com.

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